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When Savage Gear, with the supervision of internationally acknowledged Pro Angler Markos Vidalis, launches an updated version of an advanced lure, we know in advance that it is going to be a game changer in Europe. The Savage Gear Deep Walker 2.0 is a long casting, pencil lure, with a super realistic profile, that can be fished in a variety of ways, to provoke strikes from the most weary predators. The lure will skip and slide during fast retrieve and send off alluring flashes on the drop. At the same time, the lure will swim with a vibrating fall and loud rattle.

At a first glance the Deep Walker 2.0 retains the basic design characteristics of the previous model. It looks like a Minnow lure, with a Slim design, although it's not. Savage Gear's new lure, the Deep Walker 2.0, is a Sinking Pencil, with stunning casting properties and enhanced construction.

Let’s examine closely, the areas of improvement of the 2.0 version. First of all, it’s overall performance has improved as it can now retain its intensive action even against currents, or at the far limit of its casting distance. No matter how deep it goes, the Deep Walker will wobble, from the moment it touches the surface, all the way to the deeper levels of the water column. What sets it apart from other artificial baits in its category, is exactly this: its sinking properties. Once the Deep Walker falls in the water, it begins to sink in a completely horizontal stance, producing an intense vibration (VMS system). By itself this feature, will give us the opportunity to catch fish during the descent phase, a trait that very few lures have ever accomplished to date.

How has this been further improved? With the addition of a small, small, protruding lip. Slim Lipless Sinking Pencils, especially at the far end of the cast, because of the elongated body and the lack of water resistance in the face area, along with the reel’s slower retrieving capacity, due to the half empty spool, result in producing very poor action, that only improves as the lure comes closer to the shore. The addition of the half-lip provides a permanent solution to this issue and explodes the lure’s action from the first twitch. It does not provide Minnow action on the lure, but it enhances its gliding action.

The Deep Walker 2.0 is also more reinforced than ever. The Through Wire has been retained, which means that in addition to the very hard and thick outer shell, an 1.2 mm thick wire passes through the body of the Deep Minnow, which connects all the rings together. This enables the lure to withstand every attack, to face any opponent and in no case will any fish be able to take the treble hook and run. In the newer version however, Savage Gear has incorporated an additional internal layer, which makes the lure even more tolerant to vicious attacks.

An additional innovation in the Savage Gear Deep Walker is the presence of a small rattle, placed in a vertical position against the body. It is activated mainly as the lure is sinking, when the intense wobbling, causes the rattle sphere to bang against the walls of the lure and create a strong sound effect, in addition to the light reflections and vibrations. 

Way of Use

The Deep Walker 2.0 allows the angler to scan all levels of the water column and target a wide variety of predatory fish, both in the surface and the bottom. Right after casting, allow the Deep Walker to sink to the desired depth and start Twitching, or Jerking with your rod. The Deep Walker will respond to both fast and medium paced beats, so you can adjust the speed depending on the mood of the fish. Try moderate and rapid twitches and jerks if the fishes are aggressive, or slow if they are in the breeding season, weary, or simply uninterested. You can also try a combination of twitches with steady retrieve, as it has brought about admirable results.

This particular Savage Gear lure series is produced in three sizes. The Deep Walker at 39 gr has been designed for Spinning rods. This model will show its true potential with rods that have a maximum Casting Weight of 45 gr, 50 gr and 60 gr. It will produce satisfactory casts and as it is rigged with two SGY Saltwater UAR 4X NP # 4 treble hooks, it will easily catch any fish that attacks. It targets mainly Barracuda, Bonitos, Bluefish and Mahi Mahi in ports, but it will stray from tackling Dentex that lurk around rocks. This size is mainly intended for fishing at a depth starting at 1 up to 20 m. and can catch Barracuda when they are at big depths and do not hunt minnows. The sinking speed is between 20 to 30 cm per second.

The Deep Walker at 50 gr can be used with Heavy Spinning and Shore Jigging rods. It achieves very good casts and responds wonderfully to every command of your rod. It is rigged with 2 SGY Saltwater UAR 4X NP #1 treble hooks and can handle any predator challenge. It is mainly used for Dentex, Amberjacks, Barracuda and Bonitos, in rocky areas and ports. The main depth range is between 1 and 30 meters. The sinking speed is 50 to 60 cm per second.

Finally, the 70 gr Deep Walker can be used mainly with Shore Jigging rods and will offer the angler a different approach during those days when fish does not show any interest in Shore jigs. Shots of 100 meters are relatively easy to be achieved with a good quality Shore Jigging rod. This Deep Walker has been rigged by Savage Gear with 2 SGY Saltwater UAR 4X NP #1/0 treble hooks and is not afraid of any challenge. Just as with the 50 gr Deep Walker, this mainly targets Dentex, Amberjacks, Barracudas and Bonitos and can be used in deep rocky places. The depth range it can effectively reach is up to 50 meters. The sinking speed is between 70 to 90 cm per sec.

In general, the sinking rate and the design of this lure will enable the angler to search both the surface, midwater and bottom for big predator fish, hence the Deep Walker is also ideal for turbulent and rough conditions. It is the perfect lure for Amberjacks, Snappers, Mahi Mahi, Bluefish, Barracudas and Tuna species.

Technical Characteristics

  • Ultra-Long Cast Design
  • Great Slide Action
  • Length: 17.5 cm
  • Target Depth: 39g 1-20m, 50g 1-30m, 70g 1-50m
  • VMS – Vivid Movement System
  • Rattle in Back
  • Super Strong Wired Thru Construction
  • Half Lip Slide Design
  • SGY Saltwater UAR 4X NP trebles (39G #4) (50G #1) (70G #1/0)

Buy with confidence from KN FISHING - One of the biggest sellers of SAVAGE GEAR tackle at Europe.