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Presented at the Efttex Exhibition in 2019, the DTD Gamberino is a very close imitation of a live shrimp, developed to give more natural shape to the successful Egi model. Start jerking the DTD Gamberino and the classic Eging action, along with the natural movement of their feet will attract squids from a reasonable distance.

One of the main features of the DTD Gamberino is the live-like fluttering feet, which improve the performance of the squid jig, in the following ways: the feet resist the water during retrieve and cause the Gamberino to raise towards the surface. The UV legs make it easy to handle the squid jig, as they preserve its balance under water. Also, when they meet water resistance they will vibrate and stimulate the hunting instincts of squids. The UV effect on the legs, make this egi type squid jig irresistible to squids and cuttlefish.

DTD placed great emphasis on the aesthetics of the Gamberino squid jig. The body has been covered with a new, specially designed shiny fabric, that reflects all available light during daytime. During nighttime it produces a blue glowing light, that looks equally impressive. On the sides of the squid jig there is vivid, UV Fluo orange pattern.

The cloth material used for the development of the DTD Gamberino, serves yet another purpose. It reduces water resistance during retrieve. At the same time, the Gamberino Egi is different from conventional Oita type Egi. The Gamberino has a real shrimp form, an innovative shape that, produces a wave motion, which in turn invites squids with the strong waves produced.

The eyes are full black and inside they have a green, glowing circle.

The Sinking position of the Gamberino is perfect and the sinking speed is around 6.5 sec/m.

The hooks on this product are extra strong, to withstand squids and cuttlefish of all sizes.

Technical Characteristics

  • Shrimp Body Shape
  • Shrimp UV Feet
  • Vivid Fluo Colors
  • Blue Luminous Body
  • Luminous Eyes
  • Flash Cloth
  • Double Weight
  • Excellent Balance
  • Stainless Steel Hooks + Ring
  • Sound Effect
  • Product Code: 20505
  • Squid Jig Size: 3.0
  • Weight: 14.3 gr
  • Length: 9.6 cm
  • Sinking Speed: 6,5 seconds / meter
  • Available Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Pink, Black, White

Buy with confidence from KN FISHING - One of the biggest sellers of DTD tackle at Europe and official distributor of DTD products.