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In short the Gravity is a long casting Micro Pencil, flat sided lure, for perfect water grip. It swims with an enticing alluring shimmer and has an impressive sinking motion. But lets take a closer look at each and every detail that make this Light Game Savage Gear lure truly exceptional.

This only 5 cm long lure, weighs 8 gr and thanks to its fixed, tungsten alloy weight, it manages to achieve casts similar to those of jigs. Recently, two new sizes were incorporated in the Gravity Pencil family in 4.5 cm and 5 gr in weight and the 6 cm, with 12 gr of weight, to expand their usage by different LRF gear. As it is sinking, the Gravity Pencil descents with a trembling, due to the VMS System Technology (Vivid Movement System), hence it catches the attention of predators and becomes the object of attacks, even before you begin the retrieve.

Savage Gear did not choose the name Gravity Pencil by chance, as this particular artificial bait defies gravity and has been designed to perform where similar lures fail. How does it stand out from the crowd? First of all, in all Light fishing styles such as (Light Rock Fishing, Ajing, etc.) the wind is our great enemy and the stronger it is, the more difficult the fishing conditions. Even if we have the wind on our back, it often drags our line and can keep a light lure in the air, never reaching the strike zone. Most hard body lures between 3 - 4 gr have limited casting and sinking abilities.

However, the norm has been changed by Savage Gear, with the Gravity Pencil 45, 50 and 60 lure, since this bait can work even with 7 Beaufort wind, firing up to 30 meters distance. Under normal weather conditions, the shot can exceed 50 meters, in some cases - depending on your gear – even 75 meters. Without a doubt the Gravity Pencil is the master of casting in the Light Rock Fishing field.

Another unique innovation, is the placement by Savage Gear of a rattling device, inside a tubular rattle chamber, in a vertical position within the body of the Gravity Pencil. It is activated mainly during the immersion phase of the bait and with the vibrations caused, it hits right and left on the walls of the lure and creates a distinctive sound effect, which in combination with the reflections and vibrations produces an explosive cocktail.

The Gravity Pencil series has been designed to address easily Saddled Seabream, Seabass, Pompano, White Seabream, Needle fish and Bonitos. At the same time, if you fish near the bottom, the Gravity will attract a variety of predatory fish such as Painted Comber, Comber Cuttlefish, Scorpion fishes, Red Gurnards and others.

Fishing Style

The Savage Gear Gravity Pencil 50 allows the angler to scan all levels of the water column and target a wide variety of small, predatory fish, both near the surface, or at the bottom. Immediately after casting, allow to the Gravity Pencil to sink for as long as you want and start Twitching, or with a steady retrieve, or a combination of both. The lure will respond to both techniques, so you can adjust your style depending on the mood of the fish in the area. Feel free to experiment with a quick skipping recovery on the surface, with the tip of the rod pointing upwards, as this method has brought impressive results with Saddled Seabreams and Guelly Jacks.

The Big Boys

After a very successful run in the LRF and Light Game schene, the unique Gravity Pencil lure comes in larger sizes and with higher expectations. They are now available in 7cm / 18gr, 7.5cm / 25gr and 8cm / 33gr, specially designed for explosive casts and targeting Seabass, Bonitos, Mahi-Mahi, Dentex and other predators. The philosophy remains the same and is based on the "small and heavy" presentation, that does not arouse suspicion in fish.

How do we fish the bigger Gravity Pencils? The new Gravity Pencil sizes continue to produce endless motion, as they work with both stable retrieve and Twitches, Jerks and any combination of them, allowing the angler to develop his own technique and "unlock" the fish, depending on the day, the conditions and their mood. Try the new sizes both in calm water and in wavy conditions and you can be sure, that you will have fun in the process.

The first feature that will impress you, is the unbelievable casting distance. It is well known that the main concern of in-shore anglers is the casting distance and rightly so. The distance these lures can reach, due to the well-studied shape and weight distribution, are simply unreal, therefore they can cover a large area and reach places where the fish are not used to seeing  lures amongst them. Even in headwind, the casting ditance remains a major feature of this artificial bait.

At what depth? After casting it is up to the fisherman whether to start an immediate recovery, or allow the Gravity Pencil reach midwater, or the seabed, depending on the fish he is looking for.

The Right Gear

The Gravity Pencil 45 (5gr) is a pure LRF lure and is ideally combined with Ajing, or Light Rock Fishing rods with Max Lure Weight 6, or 10 at the most. The Gravity Pencil 50 (8 gr) can be set up with Light Game rods, of Max 10 or 15 gr. Finally the Gravity Pencil 60 (18gr) can be combined with a great degree of success with Seabass rods and bring about unexpectedly good results in Barracuda, Seabass and Tuna species as its miniature size will break through any inhibitions, weary prey might have.

To achieve the best possible cast and "manage" the wind in your favor, the braid and the Leader you will use must be in accordance to the size of the lure. It is suggested to use PE #0.4 and 0.12-0.16mm Leader for the Gravity Pencil 45, PE #0.6 and 0.16-0.22mm Leader for Gravity Pencil 50 and PE #0.8 - #1.2 with 0.22 - 0.30mm Leader for the Gravity Pencil 60. If the braid you have mounted, or the Leader lay outside the prestated specifications, the behavior of the lure, the "handling" of the wind and the overall performance, might be altered significantly.

Technical Characteristics

  • Super Strong ABS construction
  • Flat sided profile for great water grip
  • Ultra-long cast design
  • VMS – vivid movement system
  • Rattle in back
  • Super sharp and strong Salter water trebles

Buy with confidence from KN FISHING - One of the biggest sellers of SAVAGE GEAR tackle at Europe.