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Malice is a jig-minnow, designed for the off-shore casting game, targeting Tuna, Bonito and other predatory species. Many other lures have tried this in the past. But due to their slim shape, they are unable to properly perform, especially when currents are strong and their unique motion is hard to be maintained if the strike zone lays deep. Furthermore, if the strike zone is deeper than 25 meters, the waiting time for a jig to reach this depth is increasing exponentially. Add the aforementioned conditions the fish being lazy that day, not attacking anything else except sinking pencils. So you are left with only two options: either to use a jig, or the DUO Malice.

The DUO Malice is a “bomb” sinking pencil. At first it looks a lot with the Press Bait 125 Heavy Duty, with a more aggressive and intimidating look. In its super compact body size of 13cm, the DUO Malice packs 64 gr of weight, making this lure the king of currents and depth.

The key to targeting these species is the “horizontal fall”. In addition, one must consider the buoyancy and drag from the use of fat shock-leaders. In order to increase the casting ability of the lure, it has been loaded with a heavy weight setting. However, DUO needed the Malice lure to have contradicting characteristics to those of a heavy weight and slow sinking jig.

Malice maintains an amazing horizontal position while descending, with rolling action, but with an incomparably fast, sinking rate. Once this amazing lure, reaches the water bed we are after, it makes it easy to remain in that level for a long period of time with adequate retrieving speed.

It is worth stating that the DUO Malice performs its best with twitching combined with retrieve. Slow speed twitching will give a sluggish action of a wounded fish that will make snappers and groupers very irritated. With quick retrieve and short, but fast twitching, this lure becomes a nightmare for pelagic species like Bonitos, Amberjacks, Tunas and immigrating species.

Lastly, but most importantly, the DUO Malice has the best casting distance from all DUO lures. Thanks to its aerodynamic design, the DUO Malice has an outstanding casting ability, even with a thick leader. Provided this lure is used with adequate gear, it can cover a casting distance of more than 80m for most anglers and 100m + for experienced with high end gear. Even with side wind, or against the wind, the casting distance will amaze everyone that will cast it in such conditions.

DUO is now confident that once anglers get a hold of the Malice, they will understand the craftsmanship that has gone into the natural looking form. Although it has a slim body, the drag against the body will enable angler to stage a dead-fish like slow falling action. The weight balance has been fine tuned to overcome the contradicting characteristics.

With an appealing horizontal fall, Malice will produce bite opportunities at times where nothing else works. The key to this game is the split moment of sinking after it hits the water. This lure has been designed to capitalize on this split second.

With the Malice 130, DUO is bringing a lure to shore jigging anglers. The heavy weight and aggressive character of Malice 130, makes it perfect to be used with shore jigging equipment. This is a great solution when fish are not active on jigs. You simply attach Malice 130 to your split ring and you change 180 degrees your fishing style with the exact same gear.

If the original Malice 130 is a heavyweight lure, with heavyweight off-shore performance, imagine what the new, big Malice 150 can do. You can attack big game, with the big Malice.

Imitating a bigger bait fish and providing even better castability, the new 150 has to be tried to be believed. One of its main features is its beautiful fall, a slow horizontal falling action imitating the moves of injured prey. The excitement of this heavyweight starts with the first cast.

To sum up, the DUO Malice is a heavy, aggressive and reinforced lure, surely not for everyone. It fits only with strong gear and an appetite for the big one. Once you have these two, the rest is simply a matter of time.

Buy with confidence from KN FISHING - One of the biggest sellers of DUO tackle at Europe.