Rigged with CHINU hooks. Low line recommended for both surf casting fishing and for anchored boats.
The BR Treble Hook is one of ZunZun most popular freshwater treble hooks. Ideal for spinning and bait fishing this is a versatile hook which can be used in many circumstances.
YUKI presents the best quality sabiki rigs at the world made with SEAGUAR fluorocarbon lines!
This rig for squid fishing is what every fisherman needs for getting the best results while fishing from the boat!
Multiple hooks rig for boat fishing made with Sasame and 100% fluorocarbon Seaguar line for Yuki brand
Multiple hooks rig for boat fishing made with Sasame and 100% fluorocarbon SEAGUAR line for YUKI brand.
Multiple hooks rig for surfcasting fishing made with Sasame and 100% fluorocarbon SEAGUAR line for YUKI brand.